AIDN’s Better Giving Framework
The purpose of this document is for AIDN to share what we believe, and what our network has helped us to understand, are the key principles that underpin “better” giving and investing in today’s international development sector. Together these Guiding Principles form what we have called “AIDN’s Better Giving Framework”.

Timely and inclusive but implementation remains elusive: AIDN’s response to the Australian Government’s new Humanitarian Policy
In this document, AIDN first briefly summarises the Australian Government's new Humanitarian Policy before outlining AIDN’s own response to the Policy.

Global Development Leadership Series – October 2024 Reading Materials
A pre-reading pack for those attending the Global Development Leadership Series session #3 or those interested in learning more about blended finance

AIDN’s wrap up and response to the Productivity Commission’s inquiry into Australian Philanthropy final report
In July 2024, the Productivity Commission released their final report: “Future foundations for giving". In this ...

Global Development Leadership Series – August 2024 Reading Materials
A pre-reading pack for those attending the Global Development Leadership Series session or those interested in learning more about trust-based philanthropy

Pathways to Global Giving Edition 2
AIDN's "Pathways to Global Giving" eBooklet serves as a resource for Australians seeking to engage in international giving. This eBooklet offers an overview of the international giving landscape, addressing key aspects of the giving structures and shedding light on the available platforms. Targeted at individuals eager to contribute funds overseas but uncertain about the offshore giving landscape and tax deductibility options, the eBooklet covers profiles of approved channels or "giving platforms".

AIDN’s response to the Productivity Commission’s inquiry into Australian Philanthropy *DRAFT report
In 2022, the Australian Government committed to working with the philanthropic, not-for-profit (NFP) and business sectors to double philanthropic giving by 2030. In 2023, it asked the Productivity Commission to undertake an inquiry to analyse motivations for philanthropic giving in Australia and identify opportunities to grow it further. In this document, we present our response to the Commission’s *Draft report released at the end of 2023.

AIDN’s wrap up of the key themes that emerged in submissions to the Philanthropy Productivity Commission 2023
A summary of the Philanthropy Productivity Commission that took place earlier in 2023. Acting as a neutral and connective film across the Australian international development sector, AIDN has reviewed a number of the 250+ submissions so that we can offer our network a snapshot of the key trends, opportunities and obstacles to increasing philanthropic giving in Australia, as highlighted by our sector.

AIDN’s submission to inform the new International Gender Equality Strategy
To support the Australian Government's commitment to being a global leader on gender equality, DFAT is developing a new International Gender Equality Strategy. DFAT invited public submissions as part of this process, to hear from people and organisations, and to inform the priorities for the strategy.

AIDN summarises and responds to Australia’s new Development Finance Review
In August 2023, Australia's new International Development policy set the stage for Australia's development cooperation agenda moving forward. The policy was underpinned by the new Performance and Delivery Framework, and the Development Finance Review. In this document, AIDN responds to the policy at large and summarises the key points from the Development Finance Review.

AIDN’s submission to the Productivity Commission into Philanthropy 2023
Read AIDN's submission to the 2023 Productivity Commission into Philanthropy. In addition to building upon former submissions where we advocate for key changes in Government, Philanthropy and Investment, in this submission AIDN further advocates for the need for stronger communications, creative strategies and campaigns to maintain, foster and enhance the overall culture of giving in Australia.

AIDN’s submission on Australia’s International Development Policy
At AIDN we believe that the Australian market for international impact investment is small, fragmented, and inefficient.