AIDN’s core ethos is ‘more’ and ‘better’ global giving and we seek to foster an environment for the discussion and exploration of how we define these terms in an ever-changing international development ecosystem. Alongside our events, webinars and resources, The AIDN Beat is a key way to achieve this goal.

However, at AIDN we are aware that ‘better’ and ‘more’ are evolving and subjective terms. We are also deeply committed to amplifying diverse voices. Consequently, we accept submissions to The AIDN Beat – so that our dynamic network can shape the discussion too. If you would like to submit content for The AIDN Beat, then we would love to hear from you. Get in touch with us (via and we will share our editorial guidelines.

The AIDN Beat strives to keep up with the rhythm of the international development sector and cover a broad range of subjects: from innovative development financing, to leading case-studies of programs on-the-ground, to the need for a genuine commitment to localisation.

Each month subscribers of AIDN receive an email where we’ll share recent pieces from The AIDN Beat, alongside curated pieces from other international development platforms and provide a recommendation for a relevant text, film or podcast. If you’re are not currently signed up to receive The AIDN Beat or our newsletter, you can do so here.


Latest Stories and Developments

Why giving directly is not the path forward: The ongoing tension in Australian international philanthropy.

Why giving directly is not the path forward: The ongoing tension in Australian international philanthropy.

In this piece, Anita Toy argues that the current parameters whereby Australian Private Ancillary Funds (PAFs) and Public Ancillary Funds (PuAFs) cannot directly fund overseas charities (without funding via an Australian registered DGR charity) is fit for purpose. This is because Australian intermediary organisations and local fundraising entities registered with the ACNC must comply with the ACNC’s External Conduct Standards to promote transparency, and reduce the risk of funds being misused overseas.
Hard-edged choices in Ukraine’s survival war

Hard-edged choices in Ukraine’s survival war

Gordon Weiss provides our network with a first hand account of the state of humanitarian response and the NGO sector in Ukraine in May 2024. Drawing upon his former role in Ukraine with the United Nations, Gordon is now heading a small-circle philanthropic organisation and currently in Ukraine determining how organisations are adapting and pivoting in the face of ongoing war. It is in this context that international funders, like Gordon, must make hard-edge choices concerning who to support and how to maximise impact in a war for survival.
Why I do what I do (along with many other people I respect and admire).

Why I do what I do (along with many other people I respect and admire).

Mark Cubit, AIDN Co-Founder, shares with our network what underpins his ongoing drive and commitment to the international development sector. Mark outlines two key reasons: first, because working in our sector affords him the privilege of working with and witnessing the incredible work of both the “doers” and the “funders” of international development. Second, because even whilst slow, the data shows that international development efforts are working.
Let’s dispel the stubborn myths around global giving

Let’s dispel the stubborn myths around global giving

Part 2: AIDN highlights and calls for a breakdown of the stubborn, inflated barriers that challenge Australia’s outbound charitable giving.
How to start your impactful global giving journey

How to start your impactful global giving journey

Part 3: We explore the ‘how’ and provide a blue-print for the first steps Australians should take in their global giving journey. By that we mean how Australians can best give to overseas causes, whilst ensuring engagement and impact, and simultaneously fostering trust and flexibility for the organisations on-the-ground.
AIDN summarises and responds to Australia’s new Development Finance Review

AIDN summarises and responds to Australia’s new Development Finance Review

In August 2023, Australia's new International Development policy set the stage for Australia's development cooperation agenda moving forward. The policy was underpinned by the new Performance and Delivery Framework, and the Development Finance Review. In this document, AIDN responds to the policy at large and summarises the key points from the Development Finance Review.
Rwanda and Uganda Insight Tour 2023 wrap up

Rwanda and Uganda Insight Tour 2023 wrap up

A wrap up of AIDN's July 2023 Insight Tour to Uganda and Rwanda.
AIDN’s submission to the Productivity Commission into Philanthropy 2023

AIDN’s submission to the Productivity Commission into Philanthropy 2023

Read AIDN's submission to the 2023 Productivity Commission into Philanthropy. In addition to building upon former submissions where we advocate for key changes in Government, Philanthropy and Investment, in this submission AIDN further advocates for the need for stronger communications, creative strategies and campaigns to maintain, foster and enhance the overall culture of giving in Australia.
Why we should look to Development to reclaim International Women’s Day.

Why we should look to Development to reclaim International Women’s Day.

Most of us want to achieve gender equality. And it is fair and reasonable that we celebrate the progress made by women worldwide. But how can we meaningfully move forward?
Correcting Course: Key takeaways from the World Bank Report, Poverty and Shared Prosperity.

Correcting Course: Key takeaways from the World Bank Report, Poverty and Shared Prosperity.

In October 2022, the World Bank report ‘Correcting Course’ offers the international development community (and beyond) one of the most detailed analyses for understanding the impact on poverty rates around the world since the beginning of COVID-19 thus far.
AIDN’s Submission on Australia’s International Development Policy

AIDN’s Submission on Australia’s International Development Policy

At AIDN we believe that the Australian market for international impact investment is small, fragmented, and inefficient.
Pathways to Global Giving

Pathways to Global Giving

AIDN has gathered information on the giving platforms available for Australians wanting to invest internationally. The eBooklet includes a overview of the international giving structure then takes you through each of the platforms, their geographic or programatic focus, number of portfolio partners and more.