AIDN’s core ethos is ‘more’ and ‘better’ global giving and we seek to foster an environment for the discussion and exploration of how we define these terms in an ever-changing international development ecosystem. Alongside our events, webinars and resources, The AIDN Beat is a key way to achieve this goal.

However, at AIDN we are aware that ‘better’ and ‘more’ are evolving and subjective terms. We are also deeply committed to amplifying diverse voices. Consequently, we accept submissions to The AIDN Beat – so that our dynamic network can shape the discussion too. If you would like to submit content for The AIDN Beat, then we would love to hear from you. Get in touch with us (via and we will share our editorial guidelines.

The AIDN Beat strives to keep up with the rhythm of the international development sector and cover a broad range of subjects: from innovative development financing, to leading case-studies of programs on-the-ground, to the need for a genuine commitment to localisation.

Each month subscribers of AIDN receive an email where we’ll share recent pieces from The AIDN Beat, alongside curated pieces from other international development platforms and provide a recommendation for a relevant text, film or podcast. If you’re are not currently signed up to receive The AIDN Beat or our newsletter, you can do so here.


Latest Stories and Developments

Beyond cupcakes: why engaging young men in gender equality initiatives, such as IWD, is key.

Beyond cupcakes: why engaging young men in gender equality initiatives, such as IWD, is key.

Following IWD 2024, AIDN's Communications and Research Lead, Hannah McNicol, asks: how do we ensure that gender equality initiatives and events like IWD also spark interest in men, are spaces that they are likely to attend, and can meaningfully engage in? To answer this question, Hannah calls for a reflection on several innovative international development programs that focus on engaging young men to achieve gender justice for all, including Dandelion Africa and Grass Skirt Project.
For conservation efforts to move forward we must center Indigenous voices and take a human rights-centric approach.

For conservation efforts to move forward we must center Indigenous voices and take a human rights-centric approach.

Mahum Qazi, Communications Assistant at Project Expedite Justice, outlines the tension between international accords that aim to protect the environment and the “fortress conservation model”. Whilst such accords strive to improve planetary health, in practice they can fail to consider how many Indigenous Peoples have fostered healthy ecosystems and can instead lead to human rights violations and land dispossession.
Navigating complexity: the moment that defined how I conduct impact evaluations globally.

Navigating complexity: the moment that defined how I conduct impact evaluations globally.

Matias Nestore, Research and Evaluation Associate at The Life You Can Save, reflects on a watershed moment that has defined how he conducts impact evaluations globally. Matias argues against simplified monitoring and evaluation practices. Instead, it is critical to implement a qualitative approach to impact assessment that understands participants as active agents with unique circumstances and agency.
AIDN’s submission to the Productivity Commission into Philanthropy 2023

AIDN’s submission to the Productivity Commission into Philanthropy 2023

Read AIDN's submission to the 2023 Productivity Commission into Philanthropy. In addition to building upon former submissions where we advocate for key changes in Government, Philanthropy and Investment, in this submission AIDN further advocates for the need for stronger communications, creative strategies and campaigns to maintain, foster and enhance the overall culture of giving in Australia.
Why we should look to Development to reclaim International Women’s Day.

Why we should look to Development to reclaim International Women’s Day.

Most of us want to achieve gender equality. And it is fair and reasonable that we celebrate the progress made by women worldwide. But how can we meaningfully move forward?
Correcting Course: Key takeaways from the World Bank Report, Poverty and Shared Prosperity.

Correcting Course: Key takeaways from the World Bank Report, Poverty and Shared Prosperity.

In October 2022, the World Bank report ‘Correcting Course’ offers the international development community (and beyond) one of the most detailed analyses for understanding the impact on poverty rates around the world since the beginning of COVID-19 thus far.
AIDN’s Submission on Australia’s International Development Policy

AIDN’s Submission on Australia’s International Development Policy

At AIDN we believe that the Australian market for international impact investment is small, fragmented, and inefficient.
Pathways to Global Giving

Pathways to Global Giving

AIDN has gathered information on the giving platforms available for Australians wanting to invest internationally. The eBooklet includes a overview of the international giving structure then takes you through each of the platforms, their geographic or programatic focus, number of portfolio partners and more.
The Millwood Report

The Millwood Report

In September 2019 Millwood Consulting was commissioned by the AIDN Committee to undertake a research project into the scale and scope of international philanthropy and impact investing by Australians. The aim was to collate into one report the many disparate sources of information in this area, and make a estimate of international philanthropy and impact investing by Australians.
AIDN’s Manifesto

AIDN’s Manifesto

In 2018, AIDN launched with a manifesto that laid the groundwork for a strong and collective voice for global giving.