Let’s dispel the stubborn myths around global giving

Let’s dispel the stubborn myths around global giving

In this special edition three-part blog series, the team at AIDN argue that the case for global giving has never been more compelling. This series is based on AIDN’s three-part flagship series ‘The Compelling Case for Global Giving’ and was co-authored by Mark Cubit,...
How to start your impactful global giving journey

How to start your impactful global giving journey

In this special edition three-part blog series, the team at Australian International Development Network (AIDN) argue that the case for global giving has never been more compelling. This series is based on AIDN’s three-part flagship series ‘The Compelling Case for...
Rwanda and Uganda Insight Tour 2023 wrap up

Rwanda and Uganda Insight Tour 2023 wrap up

What an incredible two weeks. Just in case you missed our most recent Linkedin updates, over the past two weeks AIDN was thrilled to host our inaugural Funders Trip to East Africa. Travelling throughout Rwanda and Uganda, the trip was designed to connect...